Saturday, December 17, 2011

Style Inspiration: The Heathers

The Heathers is one of my favorite movies from the eighties because of the dark humor. However, the clothes in this film are amazing. I especially love Veronica's, Wynona Ryder's character, sense of style. The film uses a lot of bright colors, tights, shoulder pads and has some interesting choice in hats. The blazers are great for the upcoming winter because you can always just wear them to stay warm and to add the finishing touch to your outfit, and the tights are great for skirts and dresses.  I have to warn my readers about shoulder pads. I like shoulder pads, but never again shall we allow gargantuous shoulder pads back into our lives. Massive shoulder pads went extinct in the 80's -along with the Rat Pack- and should stay that way! Anyway, so let's play with colorful tights, shoes, bags and hats this winter!


1 comment:

  1. "It would be a total waste if I buy something expensive and only wear it for a few times. So,after reading your article. I finally made my decision with a button down dress .
